
Showing posts from June, 2007

A Party for Paris In Heaven

Greetings in the Lord! Today as I was reading through news articles I came across one that was telling about how Paris Hilton "found God" in jail. Oh, the skeptics abound, but do you recall the word and the dream the Lord gave that was shared on this blogsite October 24th, 2006? In that blog, I shared a prophetic dream about telling Paris and her sister about Jesus--and that He would and could redeem them from the sins and debauchery of their youth. I discerned at the time that Paris specifically would be a "modern-day Mary Magdalene," in that the Lord would deliver and redeem her and she would be devoted to Him. Praise God! As Christians, we are to get into agreement with the saving grace of our Lord and Savior. Begin to pray and praise God that He is touching and redeeming celebrities' lives in Hollywood and other places so that they will be a bold and faithful witness to the world that our Savior lives and redeems the lost! Pray that those saved will be...

Putting the "C" Back in the YMCA

Greetings in the Lord! About two weeks ago I had a dream in which I looked over to the direction of my closet and I saw a rock in a desert---then water, clear and cool came out from it and filled my spirit. It was so refreshing that I actually woke up full of energy. It reminded me of the rock Moses struck in the desert that brought forth water for the Israelites. It was so powerful a dream that I discerned that something new was about to take place. Well, sure enough. This week the Lord has put on my heart that He intends to pour out His Spirit on the YMCA where I am employed. The funny thing is, all up until that dream of water coming from the rock, I had been distressed about the lack of the true "C"--Christianity, in the YMCA. By in large, the organization promotes "good" religious values (Caring, Respect, Responsibility, and Honesty) and give some lip service to God, but actions and hard heart conditions toward Jesus and the Word are overly prevalent. The botto...

The Rains Came Down and the Floods Came Up

Greetings in the Lord! So many things going on, but I have not felt lead to share much until now. Today's word is from Isaiah 26 and Ezekiel 30, of which I will share selected verses: "He humbles those who dwell on high, He lays the lofty city low; He levels it to the ground and casts it to the dust. Feet trample it down--the feet of the oppressed, the footsteps of the poor." Isaiah 26:5-6. "Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt. It has not been bound up for healing or put in a splint so as to become strong enough to hold a sword.....I will disperse the Egyptians among the nations and scatter them through the countries. Then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 30:21,26. ~These verses were given to me as the interpretation of the dream I had this morning. At the start of the dream was a woman who was talking with another woman and after their conversation the first woman goes to her "husband" and tells him she was leaving hi...