
Prophets of Peace and the Pandemic

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Amos 4 and is quite interesting in light of our recovering pandemic situation.  It is a chapter in which Amos begins by calling the people "fat cows" because they are so pampered and are not reflective about any of the hardships they have been through.  They just call to their spouses to "bring me more" food and drink and whatever else while they lie around and think of resuming business as usual.  They do not realize that their hardships: plagues and sickness, drought and rain-less days on the land, blight and mildew on the crops, war and attacks by enemies---were calls from God to repentance.  They simply wanted to petition God in their usual, superficial religious and self-serving ways and poof! It all be back to "normal."  Kinda sounds like the time we're in now! "I struck your farms and vineyards with blight and mildew.  Locusts devoured all your fig and olive trees.  But still you would...

Fertile Soil Produces Amazing Harvest

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Mark 4, especially verses 21-25: Then Jesus asked them, "Would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed?  Of course not!  A lamp is placed on a stand, where the light will shine.  For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.  Anyone with ears to hear should listen. Then he added, "Pay close attention to what you hear.  The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given--and you will receive even more.  To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given.  But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them."   Since January, I have received several words about this pandemic time period we are in and interestingly, much of it had to do with the Lord uprooting and exposing corruption and spiritual realignment, in genera...

Jeroboam Hangs in the Balance

Greetings in the Lord~ You know how sometimes, when we have one disaster come along and we think it is the biggest problem that we've ever had to deal with, but later on something else comes up that makes that earlier "disaster" pale by comparison?  Yeah, we all can relate to that.  Well, at the moment, some pretty big situations are hanging in a balance and decisions have to be made, albeit, behind closed doors, far from view (and input) of the common person.  Yes, certain national leaders are milling over a potential scenario--would a "kinder, gentler North Korea" be in our best interest?  A prettier face giving up more control and access and giving less headaches?  Would it be enough to change the narrative of a stupid mistake made in a lab?  Will others play along for the sake of harmony--political, economic and otherwise?    I'm the type of person that really enjoys competition, whether a board game, cards, sports, you name it.  A go...

Babylon Falling!

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, it is now past Easter and true to God's word, we are seeing people creep out--or come running out--of their safe dwellings to join the world in all its splendor again...even if our governors still haven't given the go-ahead yet! ha  Anyway, very soon indeed it will be back to business and hopefully we all will have grown and healed in our spirits from our time with the Lord during the isolation.  And too, may we spend some time celebrating the lives of those we've lost during the viral outbreak and give honor to all those on the front line, in whatever capacity they served their nation.  They made sure that we had the health services and daily food and shelter everyone needed to get through this natural disaster, and for the caring and responsive leadership that helped to guide, inform, and provide for us during this hard time as well.  And most of all, I thank God for His wisdom, grace and mercy and restorative power that will astound ...

Rivers of Healing and Revival are Begining to Flow

Greetings in the Lord, Recently, I posted a word about us "turning a corner" in this virus pandemic, and yes, it is true, even though we look to see evidence of it beginning in the papers and may not find much positive in our neck of the woods just yet.  But we are looking with natural eyes and interpreting things with modern convention and understanding, and even through the lens of flawed theology.  Even now, their are many pastors saying that this pandemic is not a judgment from God; rather, that it is just a natural disaster.  I wonder though, what would a judgment from God look like to them if not the whole world shutting down and having to stay at home for weeks on end doesn't impress them enough.  Well, truth be told, there does come a time when God's patience runs out and He pulls back His grace to allow nature to take its course.  We read of many such examples in the Bible of war, famine and plague being the events used to return Israel's hearts bac...

Turned a Corner--Salvation Comes

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, finally some good news. Yesterday and today the Lord gave several passages that tell of His promises of restoration!  Praise God!  We will now be seeing Him move powerfully until Easter, as the Lord is moving on our behalves, judging this virus and corruption in the spirit realm and touching many lives in their recovery process.  So what does that mean?  Can we leave our houses and resume normal business?!   Not quite yet; as anyone knows who has ever had surgery, or an injury, or major sickness to overcome, sometimes the recovery process can be daunting in and by itself, and often we get impatient when the trajectory changes in our favor, and when we start to get our strength and appetite back and the pain begins to go away.  We get excited and want to move about like before.  But Easter is our green light, per the word of the Lord.  And we must understand that "turning a corner" doesn't mean less cases of th...

Seek His Face While He is Near

Greetings in the Lord, Well, I've shared a couple of words on this pandemic already and by the lack of activity on the blog site, my guess is that Google has shadow-banned it. What a coincidence, today's word is specifically for that industry worldwide and of this - among other - corrupt business practices. Recently, many of the prominent social media companies of Silicon Valley banned together to announce that they will delete or demonetize anything that they consider "misinformation" pertaining to COVID-19.  I'm sure that rather seemingly benign announcement zoomed right past many Americans in the chaos.  However, it doesn't take a lawyer to see that "misinformation" is a-catchall term being used by that industry to censor anything they want, similar to how China uses "spreading rumors" to silence truth-tellers and whistle-blowers.  As a law unto themselves, this industry can and has been doing that.  But, the announcement goes on to ...

Purpose of God in Times Like These

Greetings in the Lord~ A couple of days ago as I was in my prayer time with the Lord, He drew my attention to Isaiah 26.  Immediately I remembered, that was the passage I had gotten when I was in China the first time, back in 2002.  I'll never forget the date either, as it was on my birthday in March and we were having a special dinner.  While I was getting ready to go down to eat, I felt drawn to take a few minutes to read Scripture, Isaiah 26.  As I was reading it, I felt the weight of its significance and discerned it had a special importance, although, I did not know at the time what it was referring to and really did not have time then to pray and meditate on it.  All I knew for sure was that it was talking about a time of God executing His judgment on the earth, making a clear distinction between those that followed the Lord's will and those that rebelled against Him; the humble vs. the arrogant.  Hmmm.   Later on, I found out that chapt...

Quiet Time Needed Till Easter

Greetings in the Lord, I want to take a minute to provide some updates to previous prophetic words given over the past year up to just a couple of months ago, as some things are and have come to pass.  It is good to acknowledge that and give God thanks for fulfilling His words, even if they are not "positive" per se, for it reminds us that in the midst of everything, God is still in control and we can trust Him. First off, last month my attention was drawn to a news program highlighting the rise of fascism in Greece.  The program mentioned that while antisemitism seems to be rising all throughout Europe, the escalation of fascism in Greece has gained a strong political movement and has gotten 16 of its adherents elected into their national political legislature.  Immediately, my mind went back to the prophetic word given in December 2019.  This word discussed a rocky transition time and a re-ordering of political dynamics coming to the European Union (and surroun...

Big Shaking on the Horizon--Word for 2020 Pt 2

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, for over a week I've gotten words of coming disaster, and those words are always hard to give and know how to apply accurately.  (Sometimes I think specific details are kept hidden so as not to cause too many problems for the prophetic speaker, namely me, in this case.  And while I've never been one to steer clear of giving difficult prophetic words, I do take my time in releasing them to receive plenty of confirmation and to present them in the most responsible way possible.)  Anyway, from the Scripture verses given from Amos 3, 6-7, Ezekiel 7, 2 Chronicles 22, and 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, there is a definite big picture developing that sheds light on this "decree of disaster," namely, that it comes after the Lord's patience has run out with those pursuing wickedness, greed, resting in their own wealth and influence, and idolatry instead of turning to and relying upon God and His ways.  In this case, I discern it is a word specifica...

True Lights Revealed

Greetings in the Lord, Lately, I've been getting a lot of words from 2 Corinthians 11 and Jeremiah 27-29 about false apostles and false prophets, and of how God's people tolerate them and believe their lies, even giving them a place of honor.  It's a shame that they can't discern the false words coming from their lips or see past their smooth and attractive performances they give to drain the people of their time and resources.  No, these well-polished but false apostles tell the people just what they want to hear, and they have built a considerable following through social media, large-scale conferences, and a constant positive media presence.  It is all part of the marketing machine that has taken root within Christian communities, especially within the prophetic and evangelical circuit.  The fruit of such roots are competition among these traveling speakers for lucrative speaking gigs, arrogance, strife, and a vulnerability to deceiving spirits that try to get t...

Keep Your Eye On the Prize

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, as the wind is blowing fiercely outside in the natural, it is hard for me to not make a connection to things going on in the spirit realm as well.  So much turbulence these days, angry faces and harsh words and deeds, 2020 is off to a roaring start, that's for sure.  But in the midst of these winds, the same antichrist winds that I wrote about last year if I recall, God is building and rebuilding the foundations of the good things He is doing.  So it is not surprising that I've been led to read from 1 Chronicles 22 and Nehemiah 7 again, as both chapters detail contentious events and time periods in Israel's history, but today's word highlights some different aspects of these, so here goes. Over the summer, I shared a word from 1 Chronicle 22 about the rise of "Athaliah."  This is a type of vengeful spirit and mentality that is directly related to a Jezebel type, but it does not have the smooth, deceptive words or disarming beau...

Transition Time in Europe--Word for 2020 Pt 1

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, as is my usual practice, I take the month of December to fast and pray and prepare for the New Year while I wait for the prophetic word for 2020.  Sometimes I don't get the word until February, sometimes I've actually gotten it in October or November, it really doesn't follow any predictable pattern as far as I can tell.  Anyway, today in my devotional time the Lord led me to read Daniel 7, a chapter I seemed to be getting more frequently this past year or so.  It is a passage in which Daniel shares his vision of four beasts coming up out of the sea. The fourth beast is very different from the others, more fierce and dreadful, and had more details included, like 10 horns and iron teeth and powerful legs that crushed its many victims under its feet.  Then Daniel goes on to talk about a rising up of a prominent horn that had human eyes and a boastful mouth that displaced three of its previous horns.  Those familiar with this passag...

The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock

Greetings in the Lord! For the past couple of weeks, I've been led to read a lot from Isaiah 21, 16, and 6.  The first two are similar because they talk about some of Israel's enemies--Moab, Babylon, Edom, etc. getting what is due them for all their wicked behavior.  Basically, it's cosmic payback time.  The chapter verses tell about invaders coming to destroy their cities and all of the people are in flight for their lives.  In Isaiah 21, a watchman is told to look for oncoming chariots, pairs of horses and other riders on donkeys and camels--indications that attackers were coming.  He eventually sees them in the distance and announces that "Babylon is fallen, fallen!  All the idols of Babylon lie broken on the ground!"  O my people, threshed and winnowed, I have told you everything the Lord of Heaven's Armies has said, everything the God of Israel has told me. Isaiah 21:9b-10.   The interesting thing is that I got this passage earlier this yea...

Just Like Roadrunner, God's People Are Victorious

Greetings in the Lord, The past week or so the Lord has been talking a lot about the prevalence of idolatry (sorcery) and deceitfulness in the land, and how much He loves faithfulness and righteousness instead.  And the passages I've been led to read include Hosea 10 and Isaiah 2, among others, and they are words of judgment coming to the wicked to cleanse the land of them---while promising victory to the righteous.  This includes words specifically about righteous leadership, meaning, victory and success to the "king." Now, it doesn't take a genius to see that our political landscape fits the bill, especially since another sham is going on in the impeachment hearings.  It's so ridiculous, kind of like watching episodes of Looney Tunes' Wild E. Coyote setting up failed traps for the Roadrunner over and over.  Seriously.  And every time Coyote sets up the rock or bomb or pit to catch the Roadrunner, it not only not works, but it backfires on himself.  So...