Athaliah No More
Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from 2 Chronicles 22 and also Psalm 109. For me, 2 Chronicles 22 tells of a time period of Israel's Biblical history that is really interesting, and Psalm 109, well it kind of scares me, to tell you the truth. I'll let you read that one on your own! While the passages are completely unrelated as far as who and when the instances took place, there are common themes, however, namely, that there comes a time when enough is enough and God determines the downfall of rebellious individuals. Also, both passages talk about people carrying out great treachery, deceitfulness, and violence to achieve their selfish ambitions, while interestingly enough, the Lord also raises up people to carry out His purposes, which, truth be told, might also be seen as treacherous and violent! Herein lies the great conundrum of understanding Providence, free will and the will of God. Does God have favorites? It would seem so, "J...