
Showing posts from April, 2018

Do Not Envy the Wicked

Greetings in the Lord! A couple of days ago I received a passage from Ezekiel 8.  It is a chapter sharing the vision the prophet Ezekiel was shown by the Lord while he was still yet living in Babylon. The vision showed all of the idol worship that was going on in the land of Israel (Jerusalem) at the time, from the religious leaders on down to the common people--it was thoroughly corrupted with idol worship.  More than that, it was the reason given for their captivity and exile to Babylon in the first place, though obviously, the people had not changed their ways even though they had gone through many hardships, foreign occupation, and exile since then.  They simply didn't "get it," nor did they want to, it seemed. As I read that passage, I noticed it mentioned specifically about the worship of "Tammuz"--a false god of "new life," vegetation, and springtime, and also the worship of the sun--the most detestable sin shown to Ezekiel in the visio...

Submit to Him, You Rulers of the Earth

Greetings in the Lord! It is harder for some people to submit to authority than others, a lot of that depending on one's level of pride, probably.  More than just individuals become obstinate, however; entire nations can act that way.  It can be a pervasive mentality that gets passed down generationally, or a belief system that is not based on God to begin with.  But whatever the reason, Psalm 2 reminds us that submitting to God is always the best way to go, especially this year.  2018 will be full of showdowns as God is raising up His people in positions of authority and public platforms to confront and ultimately execute His will on the earth.  This has been and will continue to happen, in every industry and sector of life worldwide.  It is a time for His Light to shine brighter and brighter in the face of darkening days.  So while at times it is nerve-wracking to see and read about such hostile posturing and confrontations, esp...

To the Wizard Behind the Curtain

Greetings in the Lord! You know what they say, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."  It's true, really.  We think we are so innovative and modern, but really, it is just the same ole thing done a little differently or faster, or more pervasively.  Take for example, internet spying. Whether it's done by governments, militaries, private businesses, individuals, or prepubescent hackers, it's not a new concept. Everybody thinks that if they can steal a little secret knowledge, they will gain some elusive advantage over someone else...or these days they like to pretend, to keep us "safe."  From who, pray tell?  A thief is a thief no matter the motive.  A bully is a bully no matter the circumstance.  Internet spying is about trying to obtain control and some advantage, plain and simple.  It's just a different frontier to harness and ride in our quest to conquer all.  Oh, brother! I remember back i...

River of Life

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Ezekiel 47; it is about the river of Life that flows out of the Temple of the Lord.  In a vision, the prophet tells of a small stream of water flowing out from the entrance of the Temple.  It was ankle deep as first, but with every 1,750 feet the water got deeper and deeper until one had to swim across to the other side.  Along its banks were fruit trees and many other trees, full and green all year, because of the life-giving water their roots tapped in to; every month fruit was produced for food and the leaves were for healing.  So the prophet understood the vision--whatever received this life-giving water from the Temple of the Lord would turn fresh and support life--fish could live there, animals drink from it and all kinds of plant life flourish.  The leaves from the trees gave healing and its fruit provide nourishing food.  The river could even chan...