No More Cannibals, By His Mercy
Greetings in the Lord! If you've read any of the words on this blog for even a minute one thing would be obvious--the Lord does not use me like the marshmallow, feel-good prophets common in the United States. It's interesting too, that many of the Old Testament prophets in the Bible were also not typical of that crowd. Why? The prophet Jeremiah says its because feel-good words of peace can only be considered true if they come true, (paraphrase). And that most of the prophets of old issued warnings and strong rebukes against sin, that is why God had called them in the first place--to get His people back on track. However, in today's American Church, many "prophets" just share words of encouragement because they know that no one supports financially those who tell it like it is. Interestingly, much of this holds true for the secular arena as well. The American culture is obsessed with all things feel-good, look-good, and sound-good, too. Which...