Clearing Away the Stones in the Path
Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Isaiah chapters 42-44. The imagery early in this passage includes the Lord clearing a way through a rough, dry landscape for weary travelers to pass through. It is reminiscent of the time they spent in the wilderness where the Lord not only lead and provided for the Israelites, but He also shaped and formed and taught them to be a nation following the dictates of His heart. On Sunday I prayed for a woman at church and while I prayed for her I saw this same imagery in a vision. Naturally, at the time I thought it was for her personally, but now I realize that it was a corporate vision--God is clearing out our paths and leading us into our "Promised Lands", so to speak. But to truly understand the word for today, you have to read those chapters together, then you will realize that this passage talks about a nation that has become "blind"...