Jacob Is Loved
Greetings in the Lord! This past week I’ve been getting words with the same general theme: the coming day of the Lord’s wrath against all His enemies, the same enemies of Israel, and also about judgment against the rebellious in Judah. In Zephaniah 1-2, the passages first mention a day of judgment for those in Israel who are bending their knee to foreign gods and for those who have grown rich through corrupt business practices. The call is to repent before the coming day of the Lord. The next chapter lists all the coming judgments against Israel’s neighbors, all those who have arrogantly delighted in her sufferings, have instigated trouble and violence towards her, and conspired to take away the land in which they live. The Lord will lay them low, scatter their armies, and overrun their lands with “desert creatures”, or unclean spirits will come to inhabit those places. “This is what they will get in return for their pride, for insulting and ...