Revival in Samaria
Greetings in the Lord!
Sorry for the long delay in writing, it's summer travel season, you know. But of course, that doesn't mean God goes on vacation, too! So I'd like to get back to work and share with you a recent vision and Scripture the Lord gave about England and surrounding UK territories.
In the spirit one day I saw the flag of England and a map of the UK and was surprised to see the dots of cities in the south including Wales, and cities along the eastern coast of England shoot up in flames of fire. As I was trying to see what cities exactly were the ones lit up the map faded and a giant lion appeared and roared and roared! The lion of Judah had found its voice and was roaring loudly. It seemed that this was the season for confrontation and the taking back of land in the spirit realm. The spiritual enemy seemed to be witchcraft and sorcery...but also, that " spiritual revival will erup t " in the places where the fires broke out.
The Lord referre...