
Showing posts from March, 2011

Season of Babylon's Influence

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Jeremiah 27. It is an interesting chapter because Jeremiah gives the word not only to Judah, but also to all the kings of Edom , Moab , Ammon , Tyre, and Sidon through the envoys that had come to Jerusalem to visit King Zedekiah. ...This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: "Tell this to your masters: 'With My great power and outstretched arm I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it, and I give it to anyone I please. Now I will hand all your countries over to My servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; I will make even the wild animals subject to him. All nations will serve him...until the time for his land comes; then many nations and great kings will subjugate him." "'If, however, any nation or kingdom will not serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon or bow its neck under his yoke, I will punish that nation with the sword, famine and plague, declares the Lord, until I destroy i...

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word actually was given February 22nd, and then a week or so later, and now I really feel a prompting to share it here. It is from Isaiah 65:13-19) Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "My servants will eat, but you will go hungry; My servants will drink, but you will go thirsty; My servants will rejoice, but you will be put to shame. My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit." "You will leave your name to My chosen ones as a curse; the Sovereign Lord will put you to death, but to His servants He will give another name. Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will do so by the God of truth. For the past troubles will be forgotten and hidden from My eyes." Also, Isaiah 32:5-8) "No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected. For the fool speaks folly, his mind is busy with evil: He practices un...

Laughing Around the Camp Fires

Greetings in the Lord! Well, I have a bit of an update to share, one I didn't even know to watch or that it was happening, and I'm sure most of you won't remember this word either. But nevertheless, I like to share such things because it's important to acknowledge when God fulfills His word--it's a testimony--and also its a good reminder for us that although we don't get to see His seed growing in people's hearts, it is. I find that very encouraging. Take, for example, a blog I wrote way back in January of 2010 about a woman I vaguely knew anything about, British comic Jennifer Saunders (and her comedic partner, Dawn French). When the Lord put her on my heart from out of the blue in October of 2009, I had to do some research about her on the Internet . I had never heard of her comedy series "French and Saunders" or most of the other projects she had done over the years, except for her TV series "Absolutely Fabulous." And while I found th...