
Showing posts from June, 2010

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Greetings in the Lord! It amazes me how often the Lord will direct my attention to a particular song of a secular singer and show me how He is speaking through that song---it's as if the Lord had inspired it Himself. Take for example, the song "Fire on Babylon" by Sinead O'Connor. She sings about how Babylon had done so much destruction to her family and had projected so many lies into the consciousness of its people that right was considered wrong and wrong was right--and now it is being destroyed: "Life's backwards, life's backwards People turn around The house is burned, the house is burned The children are gone Fire, fire, fire on Babylon-- Oh yes, a change has come!" It reminds me so much of the preaching of Jeremiah, who, after having the call to tell Judah that it would be overrun by Babylon, also preached that Babylon would be overrun by "an alliance of great nations from the land of the north." "Fire on Babylon--oh yes, a c...

Revealer of Mysteries

Greetings in the Lord! I don't know if you are like me, but I enjoy a good mystery, a riddle of sorts, that has to be searched out and pursued to find a true answer, a secret uncovered. I love that. Well, with God there is no end to the fun, is there? I mean, He is all-knowing, all-seeing, and the Revealer of Mysteries. That is one of my favorite characteristics of God Almighty--He is the Revealer of Mysteries. It amazes me that God knows the end from the beginning, that He looks into the darkness of what is ahead and sees clearly, like being able to penetrate the thickest of fogs with ease. God knows the schemes the enemy, the plans of temptations and trials against the saints to attempt to derail us from the good path, to mislead and thwart the good plans God has for us. So, I have been pondering some verses for over a month now...actually, the Lord has been leading me to read the same 2 passages of Scripture for that time frame , so I know there is much more to be discov...