
Showing posts from December, 2009

Now is the Time for Israel

Greetings in the Lord! I want to share with all of you a very profound dream I had yesterday, coupled with the vision and prophetic word the Lord gave to me on Saturday, when I was at the Messianic congregation I go to on Shabbat . As all dreams of major significance with the Lord, I will wake up extremely tired, almost like I am sick or something; this has happened only a handful of times. In the dream I was lying down sleeping in a field with many other soldiers, both male and female. Apparently we had been sleeping for quite some time and bodies were strewn everywhere, next to and on top of each other as if they just collapsed on the spot. Very slowly we gained consciousness and greeted each other as comrades would. "Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains o...

King of the Mountain

Greetings in the Lord! I don't know about you, but I kind of like it when God gives a dream of significance to ponder and think about for awhile; then, I get to take it before Him for clearer understanding and discernment. I mean, isn't fun to just get a piece of something from God in a dream and chew on it for a while? For me it's like gnawing on a strip of quality beef jerky, the taste is just as salty and spicy the whole time you're eating it--delicious! Well, maybe that's a little hard for you to relate to, but that's what it's like for me. Anyway, the dream I had this morning had so many meaningful details to think about that when I brought the dream to God in prayer later on, He took me to the small book of Obadiah for understanding--which added to the intrigue of it all! Why the simple and unassuming book of Obadiah? The message in it is so direct: because Edom sat by and watched as Israel was ransacked, then gloa...

Deborah, Arise!

Greetings in the Lord! Well, I want to share with you another word about a person many of us are familiar with, but before I do, I would like to preface it with this: please pray for those American icons who have shaped the music and entertainment (movies/ TV /radio) industry around the world, as they are being shaken in a most dramatic way this season. There is a "changing of the guard," so to speak, and I pray that many in these industries will give praise to God as their last breath is spoken. And although I am excited to know that God will be raising up a new generation of zealous and devout celebrities (like Janine Turner for example), and reviving the repentant ones as they turn to Him (Whitney Houston and others), I am sad to see the stubborn struggle others have embraced and the misery they bring on themselves as a result. ( The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. Psalm 16:4 .) That leads me to this celebrity, who I have prayed for over the years...

With Foreign Lips God Will Speak

Greetings in the Lord! As usual I let too much time go by before sharing what the Lord is saying these days in general, and also what He is doing in my life. For starters, He had put on my heart that He was going to open some doors to speak about the book I've just put out, "Fire of the Orange Ball," and I've walked through those doors. Last week I was invited to speak on Islam to a grassroots political organization, "Act! for America." They have about 78,000 members nationwide, with about 1,500 members in this particular Denver chapter alone. Needless to say I was pretty excited. You can be sure that there are many opinions on the subject of what to do about the growing Islamization in America, but the Lord put on my heart to really emphasize to that group the necessity to evaluate their own hearts first--was fear, hate or pride behind any of their motives for getting involved with that issue? If so, they would only be engaging in a rock throwing contest so...