
Showing posts from January, 2009

Changing of the Guard

Greetings in the Lord! It's so interesting how the Lord speaks to us using symbolic imagery in our dreams to convey what He is trying to say. For example, in the past 2 months the Lord had given me several dreams with a large red brick building in it, which I discerned symbolized the US government. One of my early dreams was of my witnessing the changing of guard at a red brick building, which happened yesterday at the inaugration of Barack Obama. In my dream, I saw military troops coming back into the building very quickly and a group of blue drab uniforms going out of the building to take their place. I discerned it was our actual military troops being brought home very quickly from Iraq, and it seemed like a group of ill-equipped "peace-keepers" were sent out to appease people. Along with the returning military troops there were many traditional social groups like the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts being called back into the building, as well as female drum majorettes and ...