Stand Firm in Your Faith
Greetings in the Lord! In my commute to work in Denver I often take a bus and metro train. I like the commute and the opportunity it gives me to chat with other people...or rather, I've made myself available to the Spirit to move and speak to other people. Yesterday I had a good conversation with a middle aged black man who was returning home from work. As we began talking he asked me where I worked and I told him the whole story of how the Lord had wonderfully arranged my current job situation--of all the prophetic words that had been fulfilled along the way. He was so delighted at the story and said, "Boy, that is a great testimony! So encouraging!" I discerned the Lord wanted to increase his faith and strengthen him with hope and it was well received. This was a man of integrity whose faith "battery" was on low and needed recharging. Sure enough, he shared that he had been in the military early in his adult career and had often been challenged and ridi...